underexpose|underexposed|underexposes|underexposing in English


[,un·der·ex'pose || ‚ʌndə(r)dərɪk'spəʊz]

expose to light that is too weak, expose to light for not enough time (Photography)

Use "underexpose|underexposed|underexposes|underexposing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "underexpose|underexposed|underexposes|underexposing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "underexpose|underexposed|underexposes|underexposing", or refer to the context using the word "underexpose|underexposed|underexposes|underexposing" in the English Dictionary.

1. You don't want to underexpose the photos.

2. You don't want to underexpose the pictures.

3. Photo Tip: When exposing for beams of light, it is best to underexpose the rest of the scene.

4. 30 “Money is tight,” she wrote, “and collections are often roomy, full of underexposed artwork awaiting the illumination of curatorial insight.”

5. On a clear day, the sun is so bright that your camera's meter will tend to underexpose everything else in the frame.

6. Take care when metering water as the large areas of white can fool the meter to underexpose, making the picture look dark.

7. Exposure Bracketing is a technique where, instead of taking a single photo, you take three (or more) that are all exposed slightly differently; normally one is correctly exposed, one slightly underexposed, and one slightly overexposed